McBrae Banner 26.2



Zandor Codex
Vexing Haiku
Grimoire na Cuibhle
They Live
Chester County Code
Books and Keys
Tarot Master
Riddle Rock
March Madness
Movie Madness
Box of Rain
Minotaur Madness
Serj Search
Serj Search



My name is Sir Braemoor. I am an adventurer, treasure hunter, and scholar, learned in the old ways. Those who are aware of my exploits call me McBrae. You can call me Sir. Along with the scary beasts, the cult of the non-Greek god has shown me to the otherside, where I wander the land, seeking the missing writings and messages of the old ones, wherever they may be found. I translate and post them as part of these Manuscripts, open to all, understood by few, and ignored by most.

This can be a slow and painstaking effort, especially with all the adventuring and all. I mean, it could be a year or more between chapters. So, being somewhat practical, I have arranged for the webmaster of this site to provide an RSS feed of my work, so the interested need not poll it for changes. Just set yourself up with an RSS client and be notified of updates by clicking on this thing:

09 Jun 2005 -- Sir Braemoor

On 18 Jan 2016, McBrae's final treasure, Maze of Doors was published, which takes baby steps towards armchair treasure hunting and alternate reality gaming, which are more in line with where I had hoped letterboxing would have evolved to by now (not that there hasn't been a ton of fine work along the way by people alot more talented than me; I think I'm speaking more to the general culture), so this will be the last update to this page. After a long spell of real treasure hunting (probably a very long spell), I hope to further explore my interests in outdoor puzzle hunting in the ATH/ARG space on We'll see.

In any case, thanks to those who have enjoyed my letterboxes, and especially to those who have provided me carves and supported the expense of running the server. I hope you enjoy Maze of Doors, but fair warning, it is bigger, harder, and longer, and goes a different direction than most of the previous stuff. It is most certainly not for everyone.

18 Jan 2016 -- Sir Braemoor