LOCATION: Planet Earth
DATE/NUMBER: 13-Jun-1999/9
As I awoke in my resting place amongst a cluster of
bush and tree roots, I did feel my powers slowly
returning. Summoning those magicks, I pushed up the
partially marbled rock that did rest over my head,
this being the seal of my earthen tomb. I did try to
stand, but failed to summon the power to do so in the
nearly impenetrable bush that had been made to
surround me and my place of rest.
As I considered my
predicament, I did then try to summon the wisdom of
the druids to guide me from this place, but all that
did appear to me was a short, yet giant among dwarves,
sacred Tree instead, to guide me in the direction of
the feline's fifth life. I took 8 slow paces through
the thick bush to the Tree, which I did then embrace,
to chance a summoning of any enchantment that may be
locked within. And a spell, did by chance, cast down
a trail at my feet to lead me from this place, and I
did then give many, many thanks to the druids, where
ever they may be, for this unexpected boon of magic.
I then did hobble this trail, cane in hand, in the
general direction of the Midwinter's Eve sunrise, ten
and seven full paces to the place of infinite vision,
where there I met the alchemist who was marking time
toiling over a bubbling cauldron of copper and zinc.
Feeling my full power now, I sought to impress my new
companion by conjuring up some islands at a fortnight
above the bearing that delivered me from the bush.
Impressed he was not however, so he did then and there
conjure up a pile of rocks by casting down a handful
of pebbles, and then did cause them to be hurled at
me! I saw red, so furious was I at this turn of the
events, and thus I left this place with haste.
Angry was I for a long, long, time, though I was not
as sure of my physical state. My anger continued
unabated as I did eventually come to find myself in
the saddle of the giant green steed, somewhat confused,
of course, as you would be also. I kept my general
bearings and general anger, though, discarded my cane
now, as I did now press on with a vigorous and purposeful
walk. Feeling even more power, and more anger, at one
point I did summon a handful of mountains, to the East,
Northeast, and South-East-Southeast, among others, simply
to (unsuccessfully) vent my frustration. I did continue
to be angry for quite a bit longer, but then did calm
down for a bit, where I quickly oriented myself to a
point in spacetime 93 years ago.
Thence I did conjure a carriage and for 264 chains did
head in a Southerly direction, where a stile I did find
ten times seven full paces from the hallowed Joey Stone,
some 39 years from here. Crawling now, to the Joey Stone
I did go, of course, to release its magic for the final
stage of this journey. A beam of light did engulf me as
I did rub it to release its spell, and I was beamed, as
the beam beams, to the high and dry capital, some 1900
feet or so South (or was it the Southeast), of the
Joey Stone.
Now I could no longer crawl, nor even talk, all that was
left was the visions of
the three old places to the East: one 17 degrees South,
the second and third to the North by 22 and 27 degrees respectively.