O Log - Mt. Penn Aug 07

    [ 5-Aug-07] 

      Here is the Mt. Penn Aug '07, M21-45 map, and here are my routes.

      I don't like this map. In fact, I almost didn't go. But I felt today's course was excellent, and enjoyed it very much. Probably the only time I can recall having a good time on this map. It just proves you can set fun courses here if you don't do the macho thing and make people climb 20 lines of rock, then make them do it again.

      The forest was pleasant and the weather was pleasant. The trail run from #9 to #10 was a bit bland, but I blew that trivial control for a big number as I was thinking about everything but orienteering. It just goes to show concentration is important on boring trail runs. The boom on #7 was slightly more excusable -- bland hillside with several unmapped trails, but the fault remains 99% with me; I knew I had to climb 3 lines, and I didn't. I was even reminding myself about it, but didn't get it done. I was thinking about work, family health problems, puzzles, and just about everything else other than climbing 3 lines.

      I lost 8 minutes out there today. Still throwing up the ugly numbers. What's going on? Just as you lose physical fitness, you also lose mental fitness. In terms of physical fitness, I ran almost a half marathon yesterday -- by far the longest run since I've been injured. Woke up with no pain in the feet or knee. So, after 10 months and 5 days, with an original goal of first quarter recovery, I will claim recovery from plantar fasciitis and runner's knee. We'll see how long it lasts.

      Anyway, it is a long layoff to not be competitive, at least the longest I've ever dealt with. So, I think you lose mental fitness also. I know I'm less motivated, don't care as much about results (as they've sucked thru the injury and recovery), and so I don't go thru all my mental prep, nutritional prep, etc. I just grab a map and go, and it shows in the results. As I am now injury free, fitness probably at 95%, I can I guess start worrying about mental fitness, and concentrating out there again.
