Here is the Team Trials '06, M21 Sprint map, and here are my routes.
Here is the Team Trials '06, M21 Middle map, and here are my routes.
Here is the Team Trials '06, M21 Classic map, and here are my routes.
Not much time to write, just maps and routes. First of all,
congrats to those who made the WOC team (in random order): Pavlina,
Sandra, Samantha, Suzanne, Hillary; Boris, Eddie, Eric, James,
Clem (Swampfox declining).
My races -- sprint fairly clean but painfully slow. Middle - terrible,
classic, pretty good, tho not totally clean. Slower than I would
have liked. I imagine I was about 10-14th in overall scoring,
about the same as where I am at a US champs and pretty typical.
It was a good meet, and even tho Hawn (classic day) is
much greener than mapped, and the green mapping bears no relation
to reality, it is still a special place and I really enjoy
orienteering there.
My one big gripe about the meet would be
the Hawn day, control #4, which on my map is circling, at
best, a very vague saddle, and, at worst, nothing but flat
woods (which in the terrain were light to medium green). The
description says "reentrant west", and I see no reentrant to
the west in that circle (or anywhere else in the vicinity
for that matter). Perhaps the course setter, MD, IOF controller,
or course consultant, if they read this, can drop me a note,
because I remain baffled. Not only did I boom "the feature", I
walked the last 200m because I had no clue. If it was something
beyond my ken, fine, if it was a mistake, it may have cost me
up to 3 places vs people it would have been nice to beat (not
considering any trouble they may have had on that one). The
good news is that I don't think it affected who goes to WOC,
so what happened to me doesn't really matter except from a geek/
optimize my performance perspective. But, what was that? (The
fact that the thing was hung about 5m off the ground indicates
that someone thought something was amiss, at least to me).
In any case, way to much gripe copy on a fine meet. More curiosity
than anything else. Probably won't be writing up an article,
but may post some pics in the next day or two.