O Log - World Record Attempt


    For those who don't read AttackPoint, details of J-J's 200 control world record attempt course are here. The race will be in Pawtuckaway State Park, Raymond, New Hampshire on Sunday, September 11. Other races on Saturday include the sprint series final (3 sprints), options for traditional length courses, canoe O, and vampire O. More details here and here. I'm looking forward to going.

    Pawtuckaway map sample; try to guess which features here will have controls

    In orienteering exotica news, there are rumors of a 5 day event on the Canary Islands around New Years, again probably more of an exotic destination for Americans, and if one can argue that orienteering on Vancouver counts as orienteering in North America, one could possibly count this as orienteering in Africa, tho I will leave that debate to those who care. I'll update this space when I learn more.

    Well, its off to the US champs. I guess the goal will be to remain in the top 10 of US eligibles; should be tough, we'll see ...
