Here is my Euregio Italy '04, M21E Day 4 map.
Here is my Euregio Italy '04, M21E Day 5 map.
Here is my Euregio Italy '04, M21E Day 6 map.
Day 4 was a bad race, day 5 was a decent race, and I was quite please
with day 6. Day 4, of course, was the WRE. This was very physical
orienteering. No routes drawn on these maps for those who like to
do armchair O.
Check out the orienteering from 11-14 on day 6. I was proud of
myself for spiking #12 and #13, which I feel are rather difficult
legs, only to be rewarded with the leg to #14.
There is alot I could write about these races, but there is no
time. I will say that between EOC, WMOC, and Euregio, that I felt
the latter was, by far, the best organized. More maps and pics from
these races at a later date, perhaps.