A: Dated maps trump modern maps. Find t-e intersection
of Baptist and Camp Roads. Find t-e statue at fifty
degrees. Find t-e last name of t-e sculptor.
B: Don't be a lazy slot-. Find t-e park related to
clue -otel. -ike t-e trail t-at connects t-e t-o
most important parks in t-is game t-ree quarters of
a mile to an intersection. Find t-e tree -it- t-o
blazes to t-e sout-east. Find t-e -ig-est -ord and
re-erse it. You may -is- to continue -it- clue
C: X marks t-e spot. Re-erse again t-e ans-er from clue
Bra-o. Find t-e letter to make t-is -ord a medie-al
Frenc- capital.
D: -ope you're in s-ape. Triangulate to t-e circle:
forty one degrees from clue Tango, se-enty se-en
degrees from clue No-ember, one -undred ten degrees
from clue Alp-a, and one -undred forty se-en degrees
from clue Lima. Find t-e state. (-int: clue
No-ember's -ord is lost -ere in t-e -oods. Look t-irty
paces sout- of t-e -esternmost ruin).
E: Don't forget --ere you'-e parked. From clue Tango, find
t-e monument at one -undred sixty fi-e degrees. From
t-ere, find t-e monument at t-ree -undred fifty eig-t
degrees. Find t-e fourt- -ord.
F: Time to -ike for miles. Find t-e trail -ead at t-o
-undred and t-irty eig-t degrees. Follo- t-e trail to
t-e pond. Find t-e track to your left, and follo- it
e-entually along t-e ri-er t-en e-entually to a cul de
sac. Find --en Mr. Arnold completed -is project. You
may -is- to continue -it- clue Golf.
G: Tired of running in triangles? Find t-e road at t-ree
-undred and t-enty degrees and follo- it to a four -ay
junction. Follo- t-e nort- -est road to a triangular
junction. Find t-e name of t-e country on t-e rock at
t-o -undred and fifty eig-t degrees.
-: Good luck, Columbo. Find --ere t-e dark couple -ere
born. Find t-e sign t-ere. Find t-e last -ord on t-e
second line. You may -is- to continue -it- clue India.
I: T-at one -as -ard enoug- for t-o clues. Simply re-erse
clue -otel's -ord.
J: Time to get born again. Find --at group founded t-e
c-urc- of clue Quebec.
K: Completion back-ards principle? A creek runs near clues
Bra-o and --iskey. It also runs under a co-ered bridge
by a sc-ool. Find t-e last -ord on t-e sign in t-e
L: T-ink outside t-e box. Find t-e big bell under American
skies. Find t-e Texas patriot at t-ree -undred t-irty
M: Its deja -u all o-er again. -alk t-o -undred ten paces
at t-ree -undred se-en degrees, t-en fifty eig-t paces at
one -undred fifty six degrees, t-en one -undred fifty
nine paces at sixty fi-e degrees. From t-e monument to
t-e sout-, name t-e dark couple to t-e east.
N: Time to teac- you a lesson. -alk sout- on a road from
clue Alp-a to t-e sc-ool-ouse. Find t-e se-enteent- -ord
on t-e plaque.
O: -istory al-ays repeats. Find t-e site of t-e e-ent nine
days after -as-ington lost at clue Romeo. (-int: t-e
subject of clue Tango -as t-ere). Find t-e longest -ord
on t-e nort-ern face of t-e tallest monument. You may
-is- to continue -it- clue Papa.
P: Don't be t-ro-n for a loop. -alk forty eig-t paces at
t-o -undred eig-ty eig-t degrees, t-en one -undred ten
paces at t-enty nine degrees, t-en eig-ty six paces at
one -undred sixty t-o degrees, t-en forty four paces at
t-o -undred t-enty se-en degrees. Find t-e top -ord on
t-is monument and spell it back-ards. You may -is- to
continue -it- clue Mike.
Q: Time for di-ine inspiration. Find t-e t-ree -undred year
old c-urc- in nort--est Tredyffrin. Find --ic- building
-as built t-e year Lyndon Jo-nson -as first inaugurated.
R: Don't get lost in a fog. Find t-e battle of September
ele-ent-, se-enteen se-enty se-en. Find -as-ington's
quarters. Find t-e first name on t-e sign in front.
--ile -ere, you may -is- to continue -it- clues Zulu and
S: Time for a gimme. Simply xerox your ans-er from clue
T: Don't be an equine posterior. From General -ayne's
statue, find t-e -ord in t-e -oods at t-o -undred ninety
fi-e degrees. --en done, you may -is- to go else--ere in
t-e park and find clues Alp-a, Delta, Ec-o, Lima,
No-ember, and Uniform.
U: Keep your eye on t-e needle. Take a fe- steps back from
clue Lima. Dial one -undred fifty six into your compass.
If you're lucky, you'll spy somet-ing grey -it- -riting
on it. From t-ere, -isit t-e state to your left and
find its nort-ernmost -ord.
-: Don't be lead do-n t-e garden pat-. Find t-e Marquis'
quarters. Find t-e pat- leading sout- to-ards t-e rock.
Find t-e first -ord on t-e rock.
-: T-e pat- less tra-eled? Continue to a significant tree
at at significant junction. Find t-e first name of -e
--o -as -ere t-irty eig-t years ago.
X: Time for some ne- digs. Find t-e mansion t-ree -undred
nineteen degrees from clue Romeo, t-o -undred se-enty
t-ree degrees from clue Quebec, t-o -undred eig-ty t-o
degrees from clue Oscar, and t-o -undred fifty four
degrees from t-e clue Kilo. From bet-een t-e urns, find
t-e plaque on an easterly bearing. Find t-e nint- -ord.
You may -is- to continue -it- clue Yankee.
Y: Good luck, Superman. Find t-e cedar at t-ree -undred ten
degrees. From t-ere, find t-e rock at t-o -undred t-enty
fi-e degrees. Find Tom's last name. You may -is- to
continue -it- clue Foxtrot.
Z: Don't miss t-e tree for t-e forest. Find t-e tree t-at
is older t-an t-e country. Find t-e -ord t-at appears
before t-e Centennial State's abbr.